Monday, July 2, 2012

June 2012 retreat!

 Each year I have hosted two retreats since 2009. I have to say that the June retreat this year was the best so far. We had so much fun. I taught two classes. Attendees learned to make a new sock heel and several cast-on and bind-offs. We felt like we were a million miles from home. There was lots of knitting, eating and a little imbibing too. I think you can see for yourself in the following photos.

 There was lots of eating separated by lots of knitting.

There was a patriotic theme in the dining room. Geri is looking rather festive!

This is our comfy classroom. We can spread out and leave our knitting there all weekend.

Katie brought her sewing machine and whipped out a couple of project bags!

Katie also brought facials and we had koo-koo crazy fun!

These are the fresh scones they brought to our room to tide us over before 10:00am brunch!

We took a walk to the classroom where there were needlepointers!

Geri was getting a massage and missed the group photo.

Clockwise from top:  Nancy, Laura, Katie, Kim, Karen.

I hope you can attend a retreat. Find out more info about the October retreat here. The weather will be cooler and the view of wine country is spectacular. 
Join us for a get-away that is grown-up girl fun!

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